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Here I shall put poetry that I have written. Just to let you know, I write when I feel like it so this page most likely won't be updated too much as the muse hardly hits me much anymore. But please enjoy what I do have up.
Questions of War

Screams hang in the air.
Blood soaks the ground.
There is so much pain
so much suffering.

Air planes fill the air.
Death permeates everywhere.
A child stands in the midst of it all.

Questions race through his mind.
The images will never leave.
He will never forget.

Will war ever cease to exist?
Will we ever evolve far enough?
Or will we just kill eachother first?


The Darkness Gathers

The darkness gathers.
The winds blow warm.
An extensive storm builds.

The clouds grow.
The sun disappears.
We watch for warnings.

The storm explodes.
Baseballs plummet down.
The fury is unleased at last.

Mother nature or human emotion?
Both are so often volatile,
both so often unpredictable;
both so often unavoidlable.

Long Nights Lie Ahead

Clouds blanket the sky.
The cold wind whips by my ears.
Jack Frost comes to play with my exposed skin.
I know winter approaches.

The time has come once again
to suffer the hussle and bussle of shops,
to languish over the passing of the sun's warmth,
to revel in the heat and light of a blazing fire,
and to relish the deliciousness of steamy drinks.
Welcome to thee, Lord Winter, as long as I remain cozy inside.

Good Night Haiku

'Tis that time of night
when my eyelids start to droop
and so I must say farewell
until tomorrow.

Steel Skeleton

A city of steel lies forgotten,
abandoned by all but age.
Remnants of the past lie strewn about,
their purposes now unknown.
Is this a fantastical dream,
Or a vision of the future?
Should we follow the examples of the past
Or ignore them?
Perhaps only time will tell.
Perhaps only we cannot know.


The thunder rumbles.
Lightening flashes overhead.
My heart skips a beat
As a smile brightens my face.

Though rain falls not to earth,
A thunderstorm still reigns over the area.


A thunderstorm grows,
the first of the year.
Lightening erupts across the clouds,
Intermittenly striking the ground.
The windows rattle,
As each outburst of thunder resounds.

Farewell Suzy Snowflake.
You are no longer welcome.