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Okay, here I have my art. Some of these are pieces of fanart, though others are originals. Enjoy and please, remember, I do not claim ownership of the pictures that aren't my own originals. The photos;however, are originals.
* indicates new

Recca from Flame of Recca (major pyro here)

Larva from Vampire Princess Miyu unmasked!

Chichiri from Fushigi Yuugi looking good in modern clothes

Cool as ever, Tokiya from Flame of Recca

Inu Yasha, looking smug, from Inu Yasha

an original! I call him Lucien

Castilla (original)

my first successful catboi!

Yay, another original

The sun going behind a building storm in Texas

A storm illuminated by the sunset


Clouds building for a storm

I haven't thought of a name for him yet. original

woohoo, another original. This is the forlorn elf!

Faerie. No clue what else to call him. (original)

I definitely like markers better. Royal elf (original)

role playing character for All Flesh Must be Eaten: Saline (original w/ some help from a friend)

mermaid (original) Yep, I DEFINITELY like markers better.

second catboi

experimental merman

lovely elf w/ pink hair! Yes, it's a GUY

first successful catgirl

brown haired elf

arrogant elf